Addiction Aftercare Explained
Many believe that successful treatment begins with the end in mind. Because while you can do a great deal of important work inside of rehab, there will be challenges that you cannot even imagine once you leave treatment. Getting sober
How To Tell Your Parents You’re an Addict
Within the recovery community, there is an expression that you are only as sick as your secrets. Sometimes the biggest secret of all is that you’re facing drug addiction. While you likely wouldn’t struggle with telling your family if you
A Guide to Commonly Abused Drugs
Commonly abused drugs are the most common illicit street drugs and are often determined by overdose emergency room and fatality rates. A survey completed by the CDC indicates that 11% of people over the age of 12 have used an illicit
4 Must Read Books for Parents of Drug Addicts
There are few things harder than loving individuals suffering from addiction. Watching their choices destroy their body, lives, and future opportunities is something no parent wishes for, but unfortunately, is an all too common parenting struggle. Addiction impacts 23.5 million individuals
Tips on Parenting a Drug-Exposed Child | Thrive Treatment
1 in 8 teenagers report using an illicit substance in the last year and over 2 million 12- to17-year-olds report using drugs in the last month according to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. And by their senior year
Why Rehab Works if You or a Loved One is Struggling with Addiction
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you may wonder if rehab is the right place for you to start recovering. The short answer is that it is a great place to begin your life in recovery.
Do Rehabs Accept Magellan Insurance?
Once you decide to get sober, you are faced with a long list of decisions. How do you want to get sober? Will you get sober by attending peer support recovery groups or will you go to rehab? Will you
How to Find a Drug Rehab “Near Me” for Teens Today
Parenting is a job beyond comparison. It is twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and it has no end date, and the job description is constantly changing. While you are always seeking to protect your child, the potential
Get Educated: Teen Substance Abuse Statistics
On its easiest day, parenting is still one of the most challenging jobs you’ll ever have. Filled with ups, downs, joys, and sorrows, it is both rewarding and frustrating. Sometimes it is all of those things all at once, and
Why Are Teens More Vulnerable to Addiction?
Parenting is quite possibly the most demanding job you can do, and it comes without a job description or instructions. And while we all joke about teenagers and their mood swings, you might wonder when those mood swings have crossed