The Opioid Crisis in Perspective
The Opioid Crisis in Perspective Tune into any major news network on any given day and its difficult not to hear something about the Opioid Crisis. More people have died from drug overdoses in 2016 year than the total number of
Am I Suffering From Insomnia?
Am I Suffering From Insomnia? Most people experience periods of time when they have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, however for those with insomnia this is an ongoing struggle. Insomnia affects 30-40% of Americans a year and can have detrimental
Codependency and Recovery
Codependency and Recovery: What is codependency? Before defining codependency, it’s important to differentiate dependence from interdependence. Although these terms sound similar, co-dependence is very different. Having needs and comfortably relying (depending) on others is healthy and a part of life. Interdependence
Career Counseling
You’ve probably heard or been asked many time as a child, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I remember some of my classmates were able to answer right away with things like, “a teacher, a race