What is Breathwork in Recovery?
Breathwork is a broad term, which incorporates many different breathing techniques. Some styles of breathworks include Conscious connected breathing, also known as circular breathing, Holotropic breathing, and Wim Hof breathing just to name a few. Although breathwork and some new variations of its core elements have become more popular over recent years, these breathing techniques actually date back to ancient India.
What can Breathwork do for me?
The gifts of breathwork can be unique to the individual and range from a physical, mental, and emotional experiences. Some of the most common outcomes are relieving stress, promoting relaxation, natural sleep aid, increasing distress tolerance, furthering self awareness, processing or releasing suppressed emotions, processing grief, trauma and loss both emotionally and somatically.
Why is
Breathwork in recovery helpful while in treatment?
As drug addicts and alcoholics we often find ourselves holding on to baggage of the past or worrying about the future to the extent of completely disconnecting us from the present, feeling so overwhelmed and disengaged that we often choose to detach from ourselves through active addiction. In some cases we are not even aware of some of the things our subconscious is holding on to, yet our outlook, attitude, and behavior still align with these deep seeded emotions. This is where breathwork comes in, with this tool as part of our treatment we can begin to uncover, discover, and discard underlying issues that fuel our addiction. Breathworks is a great adjunct service to process through our wounds with the care and support of our treatment professionals at Thrive Treatmentâ„ .
How is Breathwork Breathwork in recovery incorporated into the Thrive treatment program?
Evan Nicole facilitates breathworks every Monday afternoon, which is a great way to start off the week and assist clients in accessing and processing deeper emotions that they might be avoiding. Evan educates the clients about breathworks, and set intentiwithons them before beginning the process. Breathworks is conducted with a well thought out music playlist that Evan composes each week. Evan guides the group through the breathing technique, motivating the clients, correcting technique if needed and assisting them in a somatic release of emotions through various techniques. Following the session, Evan processes the experience with the clients to ensure that they have a safe space to understand what arose for them emotionally and to ground themselves after the breathwork session.
About the facilitator
Evan has been with Thrive since August 2018 and is currently our lead counselor and case manager. He exhibits professionalism and passion in all areas of his job, always looking for new thought-provoking groups that he can bring to the clients. Through his personal experience he has found a new freedom in practicing breathwork and thus sparked the desire to complete teacher training, obtain his instructor certification, which has allowed him to share this profound healing journey with others.
Contact Us today on how we incorporate breathwork into recovery.